Friday, April 9, 2010

My frenz~

woo...already done all the presentation~one more week will be started busy on do revision on 3 subjet which are web page,management study and english for communication. I'm so excited to end my sem3 in foundation study~ wanna to start degree course in kampar~yepi... geng which consist of Kiki,Lala and Ee...we will be separate~ Ee will be further her degree course in IMU... while Kiki and me will go kampar...but Lala still wait for de approved by medical course. I had learn many things from them. We always enjoy de time during class~just dun feel too stress on exam~they also be my advisor too...when i was unhappy or sad~hahaha~ Next week,we plan to play till end of week7~huray~ My dear frenz...hope u all will be enjoy de time we r together sharing various type of news~gossip also~ wanna to upload 4of us photo...but...currently picture not at my place~hehe~